Sunday, August 23, 2009

Back in France!

I arrived in France two days ago! My plane ride went just fine but it was very tiring. Thankfully I gave myself the whole weekend to recuperate before I go back to work tomorrow. It'll be nice going back to work, but I just hope the kids will be as into it as I am. I'm teaching an English immersion course for 12 - 15 year olds who have already had up to 2 years of English. This will be a change for what I'm used to: kids who know very little English and are between 8 and 11. This will be the first time teaching grammar and I hope that I'll be able to explain it well enough.

My trip to the states was so great. I got to spend a lot of time with my family and friends; many of whom I haven't seen in almost 2 years! Here are a couple of photos to sum up my stay:
Krista's bachelorette party in NYC!

Visit to New Paltz, NY

Krista's wedding!

Some really good Sushi!

Visit to Rhode Island and Massachussets

All in all I had a great time back in the states. But it's really nice to be back in France with Christophe :)


au soleil levant said...

Glad to hear you had a good time in the US, good luck with starting work!

Katie said...

Hey Thanks!