Monday, October 20, 2008

A Trip to the Happiest Place on Earth: The Prefecture

The title of this entry is course very sarcastic. After my incident last month with them refusing to renew my carte de sejour when they had been promising me for a month, I was hoping for a more optimistic outcome today. The woman who turned me away the last time had told me to come back on a Monday because that's when she would be working.
So Monday it is...
I wake up bright and early this morning (ok not that early, 8am) and I arrive there at about 9:30am to see staring back at me a tiny peice of paper covering the étrangers sans R.D.V. button, annoucing that its closed Monday mornings! Ok..fine, I'll come back this afternoon after I teach. After class I arrive at 3:23, it closes at 4pm. Now since there is always ONE person working at each station to help an endless amount of people, I was expecting to be turned away at 4. Thankfully it was my turn 20 minutes later. I stood up expecting to see the lady that knows my situation and who is going to help me get my new carte de sejour....and its not her.
It's her replacement, a very pleasant lady who barked at me to get out of the office to let a previous person in ahead of me. When it was my turn (it already was) I quickly explained to her my situation and starting handing her my official papers. Then she barks again: PHOTOCOPIES! I NEED PHOTOCOPIES. Of course with my luck I had all of them except a photocopy of the apartment contract. I was sent out and told to go make a photocopy.
I come back with the photocopy and then she asks for a photo. I don't have a photo because the prefecture took them in July, telling me that those with be for my new carte de sejour! I tell her, they are in my file, that's why I didn't bring one.
Of course its too difficult to get my file or to get it tomorrow just to stick a photo on the recipssee. No, not possible. I need to bring in another one! ARRGG!

I hate that place.

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