Lived in France for 3 years, worked as an English teacher. Now I've changed directions and will be starting life over in the US. These are my adventures...
Yep, she does look cute. Of course, that car needs a bit of cleaning as well. It will look better, and it does feel good driving a car that looks shiny and brand new.
So cute!
word verification: antskill. Ant Skill or Ants Kill??
VERY COOL!! Congrats and enjoy it!!!
Word verfi: bangedge
banged ge or band edge??
haha... I like Androms better
Thank you Andromeda and Leesa!
why do i always have the strangest word verifications? lol
Yep, she does look cute. Of course, that car needs a bit of cleaning as well. It will look better, and it does feel good driving a car that looks shiny and brand new.
John Prue
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